Red Son
A friend tipped me to write about stuff I've read lately, making hints that he had just read dostojevski. Well I could write that I've read to chapter 3 in the first Don Quiote-book or that I am currently reading book nine in the Wheel of Time series but I'd rather tell you that I read this really great comic.
It is a superman-story called 'red son' or 'rød super' in norwegian. What would happen if the pod with superman in it landed in russia instead of the US? great story, with some nice commenting on what's wrong with "the land god chose". (not israel and not an actual quote from the book I think...) It tells the whole story from birth to death or something like it.
It's candy for the communist that lives deep inside all.
correction: my friend didn't read dostojevski. but I guess he has considered thoroughly...
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